Sleeping In A Cold Room: Pros And Cons

Have you ever been too hot or too cold while trying to fall asleep? Trying to find the perfect temperature for sleeping can be tricky, but what if the ideal temperature was something much colder than you thought? Sleeping in a cold room has both pros and cons that could help or hinder your sleep quality. From better sleep quality and reduced risk of heart disease, to increased risk of mold growth and exposure to metabolic diseases, we will examine the pros and cons of sleeping in a cold room. So let’s dive in and explore whether this chilly sleeping solution is right for you.

What is the ideal temperature for sleeping?

Sleeping at the right temperature is essential for getting a good night’s rest. The optimal temperature for sleeping is between 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit or 15.4-19.6 degrees Celsius.

This range of temperatures allows your body to reduce its core body temperature and get into a deep, restful sleep. When your body reaches this ideal temperature, it begins to produce melatonin, which helps you drift off into a deep sleep cycle.

When it comes to sleeping in a cold room, there are several benefits. Colder temperatures can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer by allowing your body to reduce its core body temperature more efficiently.

Sleeping in a cold room pros and cons
Sleeping in a cold room pros and cons

Pros and Cons of Sleeping in a Cold Room

Sleeping in a cold room has both benefits and drawbacks, but with the right preparation and maintenance, it can lead to a great night’s sleep.


1. Fall Asleep Faster

Staying in a cool environment helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. When your body is at the optimal temperature for sleeping, it triggers the release of melatonin, which helps you drift off into a deep sleep cycle.

2. Better Sleep Quality

Better sleep quality is often associated with colder sleeping temperatures, and for good reason. Sleeping in a cold room helps your body reduce its core temperature more efficiently and can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and get into a deeper sleep. Ultimately this results in a better night’s sleep, more rest and associated health benefits.

In addition to helping us fall asleep faster, sleeping in a cool room can also help us stay asleep longer. That’s because when our bodies are too warm, they are more likely to wake up during the night as they try to regulate their temperature. By keeping the temperature cooler, we can avoid those pesky middle-of-the-night awakenings and get the deep, uninterrupted sleep our bodies need. 

3. Sleeping in a Cool Room Can Help Reduce Stress Levels 

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s not uncommon to feel stressed out on a regular basis. And while there are many different ways to manage stress, one of the most effective is simply getting enough rest. Unfortunately, when our bedrooms are too warm, it can actually exacerbate feelings of anxiety and stress—making it even harder to relax and get the quality shut-eye we need. By sleeping in a cool room, however, you can help lower your stress levels and feel more relaxed overall.

4. Cooler Temperatures Can Help Reduce Inflammation 

If you suffer from conditions like arthritis or joint pain, you know how important it is to keep inflammation at bay. And while there are many different anti-inflammatory medications available, one of the simplest things you can do is sleep in a cool room. That’s because cooler temperatures help reduce swelling and inflammation—leaving you feeling more comfortable when you wake up in the morning.

5. Sleeping in a Cool Room Can Help Improve Your Skin Health 

We all want to wake up looking refreshed and rejuvenated—and one of the best ways to do that is by sleeping in a cool room. That’s because cooler temperatures help improve circulation and prevent puffiness—two things that are essential for achieving healthy, glowing skin. In addition, sleeping in a cool room can also help reduce the appearance of wrinkles over time—so it’s definitely something worth considering if you’re concerned about aging gracefully!

6. Burn Calories

In addition to improving the quality of your sleep, sleeping in a cool room can also help you burn more calories. That’s right—cooler temperatures can actually boost your metabolism! One study found that people who slept in 66-degree rooms burned 7% more calories than those who slept in warmer rooms. So, if you’re looking to shed a few pounds, cranking down the AC at night just might do the trick, as a cooler sleeping environment may even help you lose weight. 

Read also: Does cold weather make you tired?


Despite the potential comfort level of sleeping in a cold room, there are some important cons to consider.

Disrupted sleep when too cold

Firstly, cooler temperatures can disrupt your body’s natural sleep cycle, making it difficult to achieve deep restful sleep or enough sleep overall.

Although sleep quality is generally improved when sleeping in a cooler room as opposed to a warm one, if the room becomes too cold then it is likely to actually disrupt your sleep more than if you were too hot overnight. A study on thermoregulation at night found that being too cold at night was actually more disruptive in real life than being too warm, and sleepers who are too cold will wake often and struggle to get back to sleep.

Increased blood pressure

In addition to disrupting your sleep, sleeping in a colder room can also lead to an increase in blood pressure. A study on the effects of low temperatures on hypertension found that being exposed to cooler air led to an increase in blood pressure as well as increases in heart rate and metabolic stress. The cold temperature causes your body to try to heat up, leading to the increase in heart rate, and your body will also regulate blood pressure by narrowing and constricting your blood vessels – increasing hypertension.

Increased risk of illness

You should be aware that sleeping in a cold room can also increase your risk of getting sick. A study on thermoregulation found that if you are exposed to cooler air for prolonged periods of time, your immune system will be suppressed, leaving you more vulnerable to infection. So if you are sleeping in a cold room, make sure to take extra steps to stay warm and healthy during the day.

Dry air

Additionally, if the air conditioner is set too low it can cause dry air which may lead to a restless night of tossing and turning as well as wakefulness throughout the night.

Cooler air is much drier than warmer air, and can lead to a decrease in moisture levels in the body. This can lead to dry skin and hair, as well as increased risk of respiratory irritation or infection. To combat this problem, you can use a humidifier when sleeping in cooler rooms to

Increased Risk of Mold Growth

A very real risk to consider when sleeping in cold rooms is the increased risk of mold growth. This is because colder temperatures provide an ideal environment for mold to thrive, and can lead to the development of dangerous toxins that can cause serious health issues. In addition, those who are exposed to these toxins have been found to be at higher risk of developing asthma, allergies and other respiratory problems.


Finally, if you are sleeping in a cold room, you may find yourself having to wear extra layers of clothing during the night in order to keep warm. This can be uncomfortable and lead to further disruptions to your quality of sleep.

Best ways to cool down your bedroom

If you want to try a cooler environment for sleeping, there are a few things you can do to help.

Leave a window open

Open a window at night to let in cooler air. This is the easiest and cheapest solution, but can only be done if weather permits.

Invest in an AC unit

If you live in a hot climate, investing in an air conditioning unit may be your best bet to cool down your bedroom. Make sure to keep it on low during the night, as anything above 70 degrees Fahrenheit is likely to cause disruptions in sleep.

Set up a fan

If you don’t want to invest in an AC unit or live in a climate where it isn’t necessary, setting up a fan on low can help circulate cooler air throughout the room and keep it at a comfortable temperature.

Sleep naked

Sleeping naked can help you sleep faster as your body heat dissipates more quickly and your body temperature cools.

Conclusion: Pros and cons of sleeping in a cold room

In conclusion, there are both pros and cons associated with sleeping in a cool room. While cooler temperatures may improve sleep quality, lower body temperature and boost metabolism, it can also lead to an increased risk of illness, disrupted sleep, dry air, and discomfort. It is important to consider all of these factors before deciding whether sleeping in a cool room is the right choice for you. 

When it comes to sleeping in a cold room, the decision is ultimately up to you. Finding the ideal temperature for a good night’s sleep is essential for getting a good night’s rest—and no two people are alike when it comes to finding their own comfort level. If you decide that sleeping in a cold room is right for you then make sure you have adequate insulation from your bedding and mattress and maintain proper humidity levels in your bedroom environment so mold exposure does not become an issue.

In the end, sleeping in a cold room can provide many advantages for those looking for better quality sleep. As long as you have proper insulation and humidity levels, it could be just the thing to help you drift off into a deep sleep cycle.

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