Why Does Fishing Make You Tired?

There’s something about being out on the open water, breathing in the fresh air, and feeling the sun on your skin that just seems to rejuvenate the soul. So why is it that after a day of fishing, you often feel more tired than when you started? In this blog post, we’ll explore a few possible reasons why fishing makes you tired and offer some tips on how to combat fatigue while enjoying your time on the water.

Why does fishing make you tired?

Using different muscle groups

Of course, there’s some physical activity involved in fishing itself. Even if you’re just sitting in a boat or on the shoreline, the act of casting a line or reeling in a fish uses a lot of energy. And if you’re hiking to get to a remote location, you’re burning even more calories. All of this activity takes its toll on your body and can leave you feeling fatigued. 

On top of this, if you are new to fishing then you will be using muscle groups that you don’t normally use in your every day life. This can also lead to feeling tired, especially if you’ve been fishing for several hours.

Why does fishing make you tired? Fisherman asleep in his fishing boat.
Why does fishing make you tired?

Fresh air

It may be a surprise to know that fresh air can actually make us tired. While it’s true that breathing in fresh air is good for our health, it can also have a soporific effect. This is because the oxygen in fresh air can cause our blood pressure to drop and make us feel sleepy.


Fishing is often seen as a relaxing activity and it’s true that it can help to reduce stress levels. However, the act of relaxation itself can actually make us feel tired. This is because when we relax, our body produces less stress hormones (such as cortisol) and more happy hormones (such as dopamine and serotonin). The reduction in cortisol can help us sleep better, and the feel-good hormones can cause us to feel more relaxed and sleepy.


Fishing requires a lot of focus, whether you’re trying to avoid getting your line tangled or you’re trying to find the perfect spot to cast your line. This concentration can be mentally draining and can leave you feeling tired. Fishing involves focusing on one activity for a long period of time – often a few hours or more.

Read also: Why does sailing make you tired?

Sun exposure

Being out in the sun all day can also contribute to feeling tired. The sun’s ultraviolet rays can cause dehydration, which can lead to fatigue. Additionally, the sun’s heat can make your body work harder to regulate its temperature, leading to tiredness.

Another reason why fishing can make you tired is the heat. If you’re fishing in hot weather then you are at risk of suffering from heat exhaustion. This is especially true if you are not used to being out in the sun for long periods of time.

You may also wish to read our post on how the sun makes you tired.


Although fishing is generally known to be a fairly relaxing sport, catching fish can give you a rush of adrenaline which keeps you going in the moment, but which then causes your body to feel tired after fishing.

Early mornings

Any change in your usual sleep routine will leave you feeling tired, as your body adopts a natural circadian rhythm which is sensitive to change. If you’re used to sleeping in late and you go fishing at the crack of dawn, your body will take some time to adjust and this can lead to feeling tired.

Motion fatigue (if on a boat)

Motion sickness is a condition that can be brought on by any type of movement, but it’s most commonly associated with being on a boat. When you’re on a boat, your body is moving in one direction while your eyes are focused on the horizon, which is stationary. This disparity between what your body is feeling and what your eyes are seeing can cause nausea and fatigue.

There are also some other reasons why being on a boat makes you tired.

How to avoid getting tired when fishing:

Fortunately, we have a few easy tips to help you catch fish without feeling too tired afterwards:

Stay hydrated

Dehydration is one of the main causes of fatigue, so it’s important to make sure you drink plenty of water (or other fluids) when you’re fishing. Ensure you drink lots of water throughout the day to stay properly hydrated. You can try fruit and veg juices to keep your nutrients up also.

Pace yourself:

If you’re new to fishing, or if you’re fishing in hot weather, it’s important to pace yourself. Take breaks often, and try not to fish for more than a few hours at a time.

Wear sunscreen:

If you’re going to be out in the sun all day, make sure you wear sunscreen to protect yourself from UV rays and stop you from getting sun burnt.

Eat healthy snacks

If you’re fishing for an extended period of time, make sure you have some healthy snacks on hand to keep your energy levels up. Avoid sugary snacks as they can cause an energy crash later on.

Dress in layers:

If you’re fishing in cold weather, make sure you dress in layers so that you can adjust your clothing as the temperature changes. Wearing too many layers can make you sweat, which can lead to dehydration and fatigue.

Get a good night’s sleep:

If you’re fishing early in the morning, make sure you get a good night’s sleep the night before. This will help your body to adjust to the early morning start.

Avoid alcohol

Although it may be tempting, you should not drink beer during your fishing trip as this can cause you to become dehydrated and more tired.

Invest in a comfortable chair

If you find that your body hurts after a day fishing, it might be time to invest in a new chair. A good, comfortable chair will help to support your back and will make it easier to fish for longer periods of time.

Take a break

If you start to feel tired, take a break! Go for a walk, have a snack, or just sit in the shade and have a rest for a few minutes. It’s important to listen to your body and take a break when you need it.

Move around

If you’re feeling tired, try moving around a bit. Standing in one spot for all day long will leave you in pain by the end of your day on the water. Walking or even just stretching your legs can help to increase your energy levels so that you will be able to stay alert for longer, and catch fish for hours!

Wear sunglasses and a hat

Protecting your eyes from the sun will help to reduce fatigue. Wearing sunglasses and a hat will help to keep the sun out of your eyes and will also keep you cooler.

Conclusion: Why does fishing make you tired?

So next time you go fishing and find yourself nodding off in your lawn chair by 2 PM, don’t be too surprised. It’s not just the heat or the fresh air that’s making you exhausted —it’s the combination of mental and physical exertion required to enjoy a day out on the water. But trust us, it’s worth it! Nothing beats a cold beer and a nice meal of caught fish at the end of a long day of fishing. Cheers!

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