Why Does Riding A Motorcycle Make You Tired?

Do you ever get off your motorcycle after a long ride and feel like you could fall asleep for days? If so, you’re not alone. Riding a motorcycle can be an incredibly tiring activity – but why is this? In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why riding a bike can make us so exhausted, as well as some tips on how to reduce fatigue while out on the road. So if you’ve been wondering why riding motorcycles makes you tired, read on!

What is motorcycle rider fatigue?

Motorcycle rider fatigue is a state of being physically and mentally tired after biking for prolonged periods. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including intense focus, physical exertion, environmental conditions, and overall stress levels. Ultimately, the combination of these elements leads to exhaustion.

Why does riding a motorcycle make you tired
Why does riding a motorcycle make you tired?

Why does riding a motorcycle make you so tired?

There are several reasons why riding a motorcycle may leave us feeling drained.


Firstly, riding requires concentration – it’s essential that we stay alert at all times in order to avoid accidents or injury.

Motorcycle riding requires a heightened level of concentration and focus that can be draining on the body, as well as the mind. For instance, riders must be aware of their speed at all times, taking into account factors such as sharp curves or approaching traffic.

They must also consider the physics of motorcycling, such as weight transfer when cornering or braking. Additionally, riders need to continuously scan the environment for potential hazards and obstacles like potholes, gravel patches, animals in the road, pedestrians stepping out from between parked vehicles, etc. All of this requires mental energy and focus which can cause mental fatigue during extended rides.

Physical exertion

Furthermore, physical exertion can also contribute to fatigue. Riding a motorcycle requires balance and strength, two things that require a lot of energy. This is especially true for motorcycle riders who ride over long distances, as this will require more physical endurance than short rides.

The constant strain on arms and wrists from holding up a heavy bike while maneuvering through traffic or turns can be physically demanding. The posture needed to ride safely also puts stress on necks and backs due to its upright nature; core strength is paramount in order to stay stable in the saddle for long rides.

On top of this, we also have to constantly adjust our body position and grip on the handlebars in order to remain balanced. This constant movement can be tiring over time as our muscles work overtime.

Environmental and road conditions

Motorcycle fatigue can be due to environmental and road conditions. The vibrations from the engine and the uneven ground that comes with many roads cause physical fatigue, often setting in long before a motorcyclist is ready to call it quits for the day. Furthermore, wind resistance causes additional strain on riders’ bodies as they lean into turns or battle against headwinds. This is compounded by any additional luggage that may be carried on the motorcycle, such as camping gear or spare parts. On top of this, exposure to extreme temperatures can take its toll – both hot and cold weather can sap energy from even the most experienced rider.

Riding in harsh weather conditions is especially draining; rain makes visibility difficult while sudden gusts of wind have been known to push motorcycles off course – often at high speeds. The risk of hydroplaning also increases when roads are wet, making it difficult to control a bike while traveling at speed. Natural elements like dust and dirt thrown up onto bikes by passing vehicles can further reduce visibility, requiring more concentration from the rider in order to stay safe on the roads. Not only does this wear away at a rider’s focus, but it can also prove physically exhausting if they’ve been riding for extended periods of time and their muscles become fatigued from gripping onto handlebars so tightly. 


When you’re out on the open road with nothing but the wind in your face and the sun on your back, it can be hard not to take deep inhalations of the fresh air and let your thoughts drift away. The soothing vibrations of the bike beneath you might lull you into a feeling of peacefulness that is difficult to replicate elsewhere. This relaxation can be a double-edged sword, however; while it’s great to take in the scenery and experience the feeling of freedom that comes with motorcycle riding, it can also lead to exhausted riders who haven’t taken regular breaks.

Read also: Why does relaxation make you tired?

Wind noise

The sound of wind flow rushing past a rider’s ears creates what is known as white noise which has the potential to tire someone out very quickly. This type of constant noise can be compared to a soft humming sound that puts the rider in almost a trance-like state, leaving them feeling drained after just a few minutes on the bike. 

The vibration caused by traveling on uneven terrain further increases this effect, making it harder for riders to concentrate on their environment or remain alert for long rides. White noise has also been known to cause headaches and dizzy spells in some riders, leading to increased physical exhaustion over time. 


Motorcycle riding can quickly lead to dehydration due to the physical exertion and exposure to sun, wind, and other natural elements. The physical effort required when riding a motorcycle puts the rider at risk of dehydration. When engaging in physical activity, the body sweats as it attempts to cool itself down. This causes an increase in fluid losses that must be replenished by drinking water or sports drinks. As the air passes across the skin, it carries away moisture which also leads to dehydration. Furthermore, direct exposure to sunlight can cause sweating and further reduce hydration levels. Additionally, strong winds can increase sweat loss by speeding up evaporation rates. 

Overall stress levels

Finally, riding a motorcycle involves a certain level of stress that can contribute to fatigue. We have to constantly be aware of our surroundings and anticipate potential hazards or obstacles on the road; this can lead to an increase in cortisol levels (the primary stress hormone) which can result in mental exhaustion over time. Additionally, if there is any fear associated with riding, this too could lead to higher levels of stress – leading ultimately to rider fatigue.

So there you have it! These are some of the main reasons why riding a motorcycle makes us so tired. So next time you’re feeling exhausted after a long ride, remember that it’s your body’s natural response to all the physical and mental stress associated with two-wheeled travel! Be sure to take regular breaks and listen to your body – you’ll enjoy the journey much more if you do.

How do you ride a motorcycle without getting tired?

Fighting fatigue is important as slower body motor skills can lead to avoidable motorcycle accidents. Try these tips to stop yourself from falling asleep!


The first thing to bear in mind is posture. Poor posture on a motorcycle can cause strain and fatigue in your back, arms, and legs as you ride. To achieve the ideal riding position, make sure your elbows are slightly bent when gripping the handlebars and keep your back straight but relaxed. It’s also important to remember that you should keep your feet firmly planted on the footpegs throughout the ride. Your arms should be bent slightly with your elbows slightly away from your body for better control of the handlebars. Additionally, make sure that your wrists are relaxed to prevent them from getting tired during long rides. 

Take breaks

It’s important to take regular breaks while riding too, so that you get the chance to get adequate rest and stretch out any tired muscles or joints before continuing. Even just stopping for five minutes every hour or two can make a big difference; simply getting off of the bike and taking some deep breaths can help restore mental alertness and reduce fatigue. 

Wear the right kit

Another thing to keep in mind when riding is wearing appropriate gear. Make sure you wear suitable clothes for the weather conditions and gear that fits comfortably like a good full face helmet, gloves, and boots. These pieces of equipment not only protect you but also provide extra support for your upper body during long rides so that you don’t get too tired too quickly. 

Get enough sleep

Make sure you’re getting enough restful sleep each night in order to have the energy needed for a long ride. A good rule of thumb is to aim for seven or eight hours of quality sleep every night. Not only will it help your body recharge, but it will also help improve your focus and alertness while on the road. A good night’s sleep is one of the best ways of staying mentally alert during your rides.

Eat well

It’s also essential that you eat properly when riding a motorcycle. This means eating healthy meals filled with whole grains, proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid sugary snacks or high-fat foods because these can make you feel sluggish and even cause stomach upset when riding. Also avoid carbohydrate-heavy foods as these will be slow to digest and can lead to further tiredness. Eating the right foods will provide your body with the energy it needs to stay alert while on the road. 

It is also important for riders who are out for extended periods of time to consider carrying electrolytes or other sports snacks with them so that they can replenish lost minerals while keeping their energy levels up throughout the duration of their journeys. Furthermore, eating foods rich in sodium such as pretzels or crackers may also help maintain electrolyte balance.

Stay hydrated

It is essential to stay hydrated while riding. Drinking plenty of fluids throughout your journey along with taking regular breaks will ensure that dehydration does not become a factor in making you tired. As previously mentioned, sweating can cause fluid loss and so drinking water or sports drinks can help prevent this from happening.

Riders should overconsumption of caffeine which could result in further dehydration if consumed too frequently since caffeine has a diuretic effect on the body which could result in further fluid loss. Similarly, it should go without saying that motorcycle riders should avoid alcohol consumption when riding as this has been shown to increase the risk of accidents and can lead to even more fatigue.


Lastly, riders should be sure to stretch regularly while out on their rides. This will help maintain muscle flexibility and promote circulation which can help reduce feelings of muscular soreness or fatigue in the long run.

By following these simple steps, you can make sure that your motorcycle ride is a safe and enjoyable one! With the right preparation and being aware of your body’s needs, you’ll be able to enjoy every twist and turn without having to worry about feeling exhausted after each journey. Enjoy the ride!

How often should you rest when riding a motorbike?

To reduce fatigue on long rides, experienced bikers know better than anyone else that taking regular breaks is essential. Even if you don’t feel tired after riding for several hours, stopping for at least 15 minutes every couple of hours will help restore your physical and mental energy levels so that you can continue to ride safely. It may seem counterproductive but allowing yourself time to rest and refuel actually makes for safer journeys in the long run! Relaxing whilst still maintaining awareness of your environment is key – being aware of changes in the weather, traffic and potential dangers ahead will help you make informed decisions when it comes to your own safety. Try and find a spot with some shade or shelter so that you can take a break without getting too hot or cold.

Finally, stretch regularly – taking time out to look after yourself is just as important as looking after your bike! Taking regular breaks also gives you the chance to check for signs of damage from being out on the roads. Keeping your motorcycle in good condition helps ensure your safety and keeps rider fatigue at bay.

So there you have it: by following these simple tips, you should be able to keep fatigue at bay on long rides! And remember – always ride safely!

Conclusion: Why does riding a motorcycle make you tired?

Riding a motorcycle can be a great way to explore the world around you and experience the exhilaration of the open road. Unfortunately, long rides can often lead to fatigue due to physical exertion, dehydration and stress. The good news is that there are some simple steps riders can take in order to reduce fatigue while out on the bike. Eating the right foods will provide your body with the energy it needs and staying hydrated throughout your journey is essential for avoiding dehydration. Taking regular breaks during longer rides gives you time out so that you can rest your body and mind, plus stretch regularly in order to maintain circulation. By following these tips, you will be able to enjoy every twist and turn without feeling exhausted after each journey! Safe riding!

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