How Long To Adjust To A New Mattress

how long to adjust to a new mattress

Mattress shopping can be an arduous task and the idea of exchanging a worn-out old mattress for a new one is exciting, however, it comes along with the fact that you will need to go through the much dreaded ‘bedding-in period’. It’s one of those things which may require time and patience to get used … Read more

Good Night Quotes

Our top posts: Why does kissing make you tired? Why do I get sleepy around my partner? Why does being in the sun make you tired? Why does crying make you tired? Why do you get sleepy when someone plays with your hair?

Can You Burn A Mattress?

can you burn a mattress

Getting a new mattress is exciting, especially when you know it can massively improve your sleep. But what should you do with your old mattress? Can you burn it? No, you should never burn a mattress because doing so can release toxic smoke into the environment. Let’s look in more depth at why you shouldn’t … Read more

Why Does Massage Make You Tired?

Why does massage make you tired

The primary cause of sleepiness after getting a massage is the body’s natural response to relaxation. When the body receives a massage, it sends signals to the nervous system to switch into the parasympathetic phase, an ideal state for healing and relaxation. This encourages the body’s systems to rest and recharge, which in turn can … Read more

Should you take the plastic off a new mattress?

should you take the plastic off a new mattress

Just got your brand new mattress home and wondering whether to take the plastic off or leave it on? Well, the answer is simple: Yes, you should always take the plastic off your new mattress as soon as you get it home. The plastic covering is only there to protect the mattress during storage and … Read more

Benefits of sleeping on a firm mattress

benefits of sleeping on a firm mattress

Waking up with back pain is an uncomfortable feeling. If you’ve experienced it then someone probably told you that firm mattresses are good for spine alignment which prevents back pain. That’s absolutely true!  The real question is, what other benefits can you hope to get from such beds? Sleeping on a firm mattress: an overview … Read more

Why Does Relaxing Make You Tired?

why does relaxing make you tired

Have you ever noticed how after a relaxed evening or lazy Sunday, you suddenly feel exhausted? This phenomenon is called post-relaxation fatigue and it’s very much a real thing. But why does relaxing make you so tired? Let’s break down the science behind being tired after relaxing. What does it mean to relax? Relaxing is … Read more

Why Does Inactivity Make You Tired?

why does inactivity make you tired

Have you ever been feeling exhausted after spending a day doing nothing? It may seem counterintuitive, but inactivity can actually be a major contributor to feeling tired. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how being inactive can lead to feelings of exhaustion and what you can do about it.  What is Inactivity?  … Read more