Why Does Massage Make You Tired?

The primary cause of sleepiness after getting a massage is the body’s natural response to relaxation. When the body receives a massage, it sends signals to the nervous system to switch into the parasympathetic phase, an ideal state for healing and relaxation. This encourages the body’s systems to rest and recharge, which in turn can lead to a more restful sleep. Additionally, the body releases endorphins during a massage, which can increase feelings of calmness and relaxation. This, coupled with the release of tension in the body, can contribute to the feeling of drowsiness after a massage. Finally, massage can help to reduce pain, which can lead to increased relaxation and improved sleep. All of these factors can contribute to feeling tired or drowsy after a massage.

Read on for more information on how and why a massage can leave you feeling sleepy.

What is a massage?

Let a massage help you escape life’s stressors. With varying levels of pressure, this therapeutic method loosens tight muscles and eases aches while restoring balance to your body’s circulation. The result? Renewed energy and invigorated relief from any soreness or injury-induced pain. Massage therapy not only promotes sensory awareness and well-being, but can also be combined with other treatments such as aromatherapy or reflexology for an even more calming experience. Different types of massage provide physical benefits like relaxation and pain relief, as well as psychological benefits including decreased anxiety and improved mood.

Why does massage make you tired
Why does massage make you tired

What are the benefits of getting a massage?

1. A massage treatment can reduce stress and anxiety

Massages can reduce stress and anxiety by encouraging the body to enter the relaxation response. This response is characterized by the slowing of heart and breathing rate, a decrease in blood pressure, a decrease in production of stress hormones, and muscle relaxation. Moreover, massage can make serotonin more accessible in the body. Serotonin is a chemical that has favorable impacts on our emotions and thoughts. Relieving tension and calming the body, deep tissue massage is a highly effective way to lower cortisol levels in addition to increasing oxytocin. Additionally, it can significantly reduce physical symptoms of stress such as tense muscles and throbbing headaches. Thus, this form of treatment helps greatly when aiming to relieve strain from your mind and body by providing an overall sense of comfort.

2. Massages can improve mood and well-being

Getting a massage can have a profound effect on improving mood and overall well-being. Physically, a massage helps to relax tight muscles which can lead to improved circulation and a decrease in stress hormones. This relaxed state can help to decrease the physical symptoms associated with mental disorders, insomnia, digestive disorders, and sexual dysfunction. Furthermore, massages can increase the production of serotonin which can have a positive effect on emotions and thoughts. The relaxation response which is induced during a massage can also decrease the physical effects of stress and reduce the risks associated with stress. The release of endorphins during a massage also helps to reduce anxiety levels and can lead to a feeling of happiness. Additionally, regular massages can help to improve circulation, alleviate pain, and flush out toxins. Therefore, getting regular massage treatments can help to improve mood and well-being by providing physical and psychological benefits.

3. Massages can reduce muscle tension

Massage is an effective way to reduce muscle aches and tension, as it helps to relax tight muscles and increase blood flow, which can lead to a decrease in pain throughout the body. Additionally, massage helps to release endorphins, which are hormones that reduce stress and help to improve mood. Massage also encourages the body to flush out toxins, allowing the muscles to relax naturally. Lastly, it can reduce cortisol levels, which is a stress hormone, and increase levels of oxytocin, which is a hormone that produces calming effects. All of these elements combined can help reduce muscle tension and improve overall well-being.

4. Massages can improve circulation and blood flow

A professional massage can improve circulation and blood flow by physically manipulating the soft tissue, resulting in improved blood and lymph circulation. This improved circulation can enhance the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscle cells, leading to more efficient tissue functioning. Massage can also reduce nerve compression, as when muscles are contracted, they sometimes compress the nerves around them. When these muscles are relaxed, the nerves are no longer compressed and can get proper nutrients and operate more efficiently. Massage has also been shown to decrease blood pressure and heart rate, aiding in greater cardiovascular recovery.

5. Massages can improve sleep quality

Getting a massage can have a positive impact on sleep quality by reducing stress, pain levels, and anxiety, encouraging relaxation, and providing dedicated self-care time. Research has shown that massage therapy can improve sleep quality and duration in children, cancer patients, and those with fibromyalgia. Massage can help to relax the body and mind, creating an environment that is conducive to sleep. By forcing a break from sensory stimulation, massage can help to distract from everyday worries, creating a calming atmosphere. Additionally, the physical touch of massage can help to reduce tension in the body, bringing about a feeling of relaxation and wellbeing. Additionally, a massage session can provide a chance to practice progressive relaxation techniques and to focus on the breath, which can help to bring the body into a relaxed state conducive to sleep.

6. Massages can reduce pain and muscle soreness

Massage therapy can reduce pain and muscle soreness by increasing blood flow, releasing endorphins that reduce stress levels, and flushing out toxins that have built up in muscle fibers. Swedish gliding movements and wide muscle compression further increase circulation, thereby accelerating muscle tissue recovery and performance. Massage has also been shown to be a potential source of pain relief, as the release of excess tension can help reduce tension, improve sleep, and ultimately reduce fatigue.

7. Massages can improve gastrointestinal function

A massage can improve gastrointestinal function by increasing circulation and relaxing the soft tissue. This increased circulation can bring more oxygen and nutrients to the digestive system, while the relaxation of the soft tissue can reduce pain and cramping. Additionally, the release of hormones like serotonin can reduce stress, which can help to improve the digestive process. The massage can also reduce nerve compression, which can improve the functioning of the organs connected to the digestive system.

8. Massages can improve muscle and tissue healing

A massage can improve muscle and tissue healing in several ways. By increasing circulation, massage helps bring oxygen-rich blood to the muscles and removes lactic acid, a byproduct of muscle fatigue. This helps reduce muscle soreness and fatigue, and can prevent injuries. Massage can also relax muscle tissue, reducing painful contractions and spasms, as well as help relax deeper tissues by manipulating more superficial layers of muscle. The increase in blood and lymph circulation, combined with the relaxation of soft tissue, can also reduce nerve compression and help organs to function more efficiently. Finally, massage helps reduce anxiety levels and increase serotonin levels in the brain, leading to a boost in mood.

9. Massages can improve the body’s stress response system

Getting a massage can help improve the body’s stress response system by lowering cortisol levels, increasing oxytocin, and helping to relax tight muscles and relieve tension headaches. This can trigger a relaxation response in the body, which includes a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, and a reduction in the production of stress hormones. This can further lead to improved circulation, relaxation of soft tissues, and the release of hormones like serotonin. These effects can help to reduce stress and improve a person’s attitude, attention span, pain management, and overall sleep quality.

What are the causes of tiredness after getting a massage?

1. Stress response system

The stress response system is an involuntary, predictable reaction of the body to stressors and other triggers. As your body relaxes during a massage, fatigue naturally results through changes to your parasympathetic nervous system.

Massage can help to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to reduce the physical effects of stress. This response may include a decrease in heart and breathing rate, reduced blood pressure, a decrease in the production of stress hormones, and an overall relaxation of the muscles.

Massage also stimulates the vagus nerve, which is located in the head and neck area and is responsible for 75% of the parasympathetic nerve fibers. This activates the relaxation response which can decrease the physical effects of stress and reduce the risks associated with stress.

A good sign that your body has reacted well is that you feel good but also sleepy from relaxing.

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2. Muscle soreness

Muscle soreness, also known as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), occurs as a result of the breakdown and repair of muscle fibres. This breakdown causes an accumulation of blood in the area, leading to inflammation, swelling and soreness in the muscles. This is normal after a massage, particularly after a deep tissue massage, as the muscles are being manipulated and worked in ways they may not be used to.

The soreness can feel like a mild to moderate ache, and is similar to the feeling after a workout, and should fade in the days following the massage. It is important to listen to your body and if the soreness continues or is intense, speak to your massage therapist to modify the treatment. Additionally, pain may occur during the massage, so it is important to communicate this to your massage therapist so that the treatment can be adapted.

Finally, after the massage, it is common to feel tired and fatigued due to the muscle relaxation and release of stress, however if this sleepiness continues, it may be beneficial to seek medical advice. All in all, muscle soreness is to be expected after a massage, however it should not be too severe, but rather just like the aching of a good workout, and should go away after a day or two.

3. Hormones

The hormones released during and after a massage that can cause feelings of tiredness are serotonin, dopamine, cortisol, and other hormones associated with the parasympathetic nervous system. These hormones help to relax the body and can lead to improved sleep quality. Additionally, hormones associated with the sympathetic nervous system can be reduced, which can lead to increased relaxation. In addition, hormones that are released during a massage, such as endorphins, can help reduce pain and increase feelings of well-being.

Furthermore, if a massage involves touch from someone you love, it can also release the ‘love hormone’ oxytocin. This hormone can help to reduce stress, improve mood, and create a sense of calmness. This in turn can lead to improved sleep quality and increased feelings of relaxation. Oxytocin is also one of the main reason why kissing makes you tired.

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4. Massage techniques

What massage techniques can cause tiredness?

Swedish massage, Shiatsu, deep tissue massage, fibre-to-fibre friction, pin and stretching plans, compression on points trigger, and Swedish massage combined with deep-tissue techniques can all potentially cause tiredness. Swedish massage is known to reduce stress, while deep tissue treatments are best used for targeting lower back pain, muscle tightness in the legs, tense neck muscles, and upper back pain. Shiatsu is a Japanese massage technique focused on applying pressure with palms, thumbs, and fingers to specific points on the body to help improve circulation and relieve pain. Fibre-to-fibre friction and pin and stretching plans are used to break up adhesions in muscles, while compression on points trigger is used to release muscle fibres. Lastly, Swedish massage combined with deep-tissue techniques can be used to maximize the therapeutic benefits for clients by providing both stress and pain relief.

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5. Body heat

The primary cause of body heat fatigue after receiving a massage is the deep tissue manipulation typically used to target muscles. This form of massage is intended to apply pressure to the body, leading to redness, heat, and a feeling of fatigue. This is due to the body’s natural response to the massage, as the heat and friction can stimulate the muscles and promote healing. Additionally, a hot rock treatment may also be used, which involves the placement of heated basalt rocks on the body in order to relax and loosen tight muscles. This heat, when combined with the pressure of the massage, can lead to further fatigue and body heat. To reduce the feeling of fatigue, it is important to take it easy after a massage and allow the body to rest and recover. Furthermore, drinking plenty of water can help flush out any toxins released during the massage. While massage does not actually flush toxins from the body, improved circulation can help the body’s own natural ways of expelling waste.

6. Deep relaxation

Deep relaxation is a state of rest, which is achieved by releasing physical and mental tension and stress. This can be done through various techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness meditation and yoga, but one of the most effective ways of achieving deep relaxation is through massage. Massage helps to reduce stress hormones, while increasing dopamine and endorphin levels, which helps to improve mood and reduce pain. Additionally, the environment you’re often in during a massage – a dark, quiet room – can help to create a calming effect, which when paired with the physical massage helps to produce the parasympathetic nervous system response. This response helps to undo the effects of fight-or-flight mode, and encourages the body to enter a state of rest, where it can repair and replenish itself. As a result, after a massage people may feel more relaxed, have improved mood, and better quality of sleep.

7. Lactic acid theory

The lactic acid theory of tiredness after a massage is an idea that states that after a deep tissue massage, the body releases toxins and lactic acid, which can cause flu-like symptoms. However, this theory is widely disputed by Western scientists. They believe that the body has its own natural processes for expelling waste and that massage does not flush toxins from the body. Another thought is that deep tissue massage causes muscle soreness that can activate the body’s immune system and lead to a feeling of being ill. Sports massage is believed to help with muscle recovery and performance by increasing circulation and bringing in fresh oxygen-rich blood.

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What role does blood circulation play in feeling tired after a massage?

Blood circulation plays an important role in feeling tired after a massage. When a massage is performed, particularly deep tissue massages, the body experiences increased circulation, which can help reduce blood pressure, lower the heart rate, and stimulate the body’s autonomic nervous system. These changes can lead to feeling relaxed and drowsy after the massage, as well as improved heart health. When circulation is increased, the body needs to use more energy to heal itself, leading to feelings of fatigue and exhaustion. Additionally, the release of serotonin and endorphins caused by massage can lead to a sense of relaxation, further contributing to feeling tired after the massage.

What happens to your body after a massage?

After a massage, your body goes through a recuperation process which includes an increase in circulation around the body and reduced pain in the affected area. The increased circulation helps carry away waste products from the massaged muscles. Inflammation also occurs in the affected area which causes the muscles to swell and push against nerves, sending pain signals to the brain. During this time, your body expends additional energy to repair itself, leaving you with less energy to do everyday activities and feeling fatigued after the massage. However, post massage you will be in a stronger state and regular massages will reduce the effects to a minimum as your body gets used to them. It is important to take it easy after a massage and allow your body to rest and recover, depending on the type of massage you may want to take a day off from physical activity and get plenty of sleep.

Does a massage help you sleep?

Yes, a massage can help you sleep! Massage has been shown to be effective at helping people relax and fall asleep. This is because it takes your mind off of the stress of the day, allowing you to focus on your body and letting go of any tension. Research has even shown that massage releases certain neurotransmitters, like serotonin and dopamine, which can help stabilize emotions and reduce stress. Furthermore, massage stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is in charge of the body’s rest and relaxation response. Additionally, a study done on cancer patients found that back massage helped them to sleep better and improve their overall sleep quality. Finally, babies who received massage before bed experienced less night waking and their parents reported improved sleep quality. With all these benefits, it’s no surprise that massage can have a positive impact on sleep.

Does getting a massage burn calories?

Getting a massage can help relax the mind and body, improve circulation and reduce stress levels, but does it actually help you burn calories? The answer is yes. Massage therapy increases blood circulation and helps to reduce inflammation in the body, and this can lead to a boost in metabolism which can help to burn calories. Additionally, the physical effects of massage such as increased circulation and decreased inflammation can lead to an increased feeling of fatigue, as the body is expending additional energy to heal itself. So while a massage may not be a substitute for a good workout, it can help to support weight loss efforts.

Does giving a massage cause tiredness?

Yes, giving a massage can cause tiredness because it is a form of intense physical exertion. Massage therapists work hard to help their clients feel relaxed – thus potentially causing fatigue to themselves. This is particularly true for therapists who engage in deep manipulation of the muscles as a good massage will need heavy pressure and long periods of muscle manipulation.

What type of massage is best for reducing fatigue?

When it comes to reducing fatigue, the type of massage that is most beneficial depends on the individual. For individuals looking for relief from pain and fatigue caused by illness or muscle use, deep tissue massage could be the answer. This type of massage has been shown to increase blood circulation, reduce stress, pain, and depression, improve sleep and immunity, leading to greater well-being, more energy and less fatigue. On the other hand, those looking to relax and not necessarily feeling tired after a massage should look into lighter and gentler forms of massage such as Swedish massage, as this will leave them feeling relaxed without the fatigue. For those looking for a massage to provide long-term relief from chronic pain, therapeutic massages are an excellent option. Finally, for a refreshing massage that leaves you feeling relaxed but not necessarily tired afterwards, a massage chair from OSIM UK is an ideal choice.

How can massage therapy help reduce fatigue?

Massage therapy can help reduce fatigue by relieving pain, reducing stress, improving sleep, and boosting immunity. Studies have shown that massage can reduce overall pain levels and improve emotional well-being, relaxation, and the ability to sleep, which are all associated with pain reduction. As a result, massage therapy can reduce fatigue and indirectly increase energy levels by relieving pain and restoring balance on a physical, mental, and emotional level. Massage also increases blood circulation and stimulates the body, which can lead to greater feelings of well-being and more energy. Furthermore, massage therapy has been proven to relieve symptoms of depression, which can help reduce fatigue. Ultimately, massage therapy is an effective way to reduce fatigue and increase energy levels, allowing us to enjoy life more fully.

How to fix tiredness after getting a massage?

  1. Drink plenty of fluids before and after the massage. If you drink water after a massage this will help your body to recover more quickly and stay hydrated.
  2. Eat a light, balanced meal before the massage. This will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to help recover.
  3. Wait at least one hour after the massage before going to bed. This will ensure that your body has had time to adjust and recoup from the massage.
  4. Get a good night’s sleep. This is essential for your body to recover from the massage and will help you to feel more energized the next day.
  5. Avoid heavy lifting or other strenuous activities for at least two hours after the massage. This will give your body time to recover without any additional stress.
  6. Do not take any over-the-counter or prescription medications before or after the massage. These could interfere with the massage’s effectiveness and could lead to more fatigue.
  7. Use a hot, moist towel after the massage to help reduce any pain or stiffness. Taking a nice warm bath (perhaps with epsom salts) or warm shower will also help. his also has the added benefit of cleansing the skin from any products used during the massage
  8. Use a heating pad or other forms of heat after the massage to reduce swelling or pain.
  9. Follow the massage therapist’s instructions carefully.
  10. If you experience any unusual symptoms following the massage, be sure to consult your healthcare provider.

Conclusion: Why does massage make you tired?

Massage therapy can reduce fatigue by relieving pain, reducing stress, improving sleep, and boosting immunity. By encouraging the body’s systems to rest and recharge and releasing endorphins, massage can lead to increased relaxation and improved sleep which in turn can cause tiredness after a massage.

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