Why Does Laughing Make You Tired?

Have you ever laughed so hard that you felt tired afterward? You’re not alone! Many people experience a feeling of fatigue after a good laugh. But why is this? It turns out there are several scientific explanations for why laughing makes us tired. Read on to learn more about the science behind this phenomenon.

Why Does Laughing Make You Tired?

1. Muscle Workout

When we laugh, our muscles work hard—our facial muscles, abdominal muscles, and even our neck and back muscles all contract in response. This can cause feelings of exhaustion, especially if you’ve been laughing for a long period of time. It’s like any other kind of physical exercise; your body gets tired from exertion.

2. Your Breathing Changes When You Laugh 

When you laugh, your breathing pattern changes. Usually, we breathe in and out through our nose or mouth while using our diaphragm to move air into our lungs. But when we laugh, our breathing pattern shifts drastically. We tend to start taking short, shallow breaths instead of large ones and these breaths are often accompanied by an increase in heart rate and muscle tension throughout the body. This shift in breathing patterns can be tiring, which is why many people become weary after a good laugh session. Conversely, you can also get tired when angry as your breathing becomes shallower.

Why Does Laughing Make You Tired?
Why Does Laughing Make You Tired?

3. Endorphins Released

Laughter also causes the release of endorphins in the brain. Endorphins are chemicals that give us a sense of euphoria and relaxation, but they can also lead to feelings of drowsiness or fatigue. Additionally, when we laugh, our heart rate increases and our breathing becomes heavier as we take longer breaths—both of which can make us feel tired or worn out afterwards.

Endorphins are one of the reasons you get tired around your partner.

4. Stress Relief

Additionally, laughter has been shown to reduce stress levels by helping us to reframe situations in a more positive light. This can be both physically and mentally tiring, as it requires an emotional effort to shift perspectives and view things differently than before. After releasing these built-up emotions through laughter, the body may naturally want to take a break by resting or sleeping for a bit—which explains why some people might feel exhausted after having had a good chuckle!

5. Laughing Is A Form Of Relaxation 

Laughter has been shown to reduce stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. When these hormones are reduced, your muscles relax and your body naturally starts feeling more fatigued as a result. So even if your laughs don’t cause physical exhaustion, they may still lead to mental exhaustion due to the natural relaxation response that occurs when we laugh for extended periods of time. Relaxation makes us tired in a good way as it helps us get better quality sleep.

6. Melatonin Production Increases With Laughter 

Studies have also shown that laughter increases melatonin production in the body. Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate sleep cycles so it makes sense why laughter would make us sleepy or at least less alert after an extended period of time laughing our heads off! In addition, melatonin has been linked with improved moods so it’s possible that laughter could be making us feel better as well as more tired – both at the same time! 

Laughing Helps Us Sleep Better

The fact that melatonin is produced when we laugh contributes to better sleep and can be extremely beneficial to our sleep health. Melatonin levels effect sleep duration by helping to regulate our circadian rhythms and helping us to sleep for longer. More melatonin equals longer and better quality sleep.

Furthermore, when you laugh, your body is getting a break from stress and this can improve the quality of sleep that you get each night. It’s also believed that laughing before bed can help make it easier to fall asleep by calming down any racing thoughts or worries. So, you may want to spend time watching funny movies in the early evening to prime yourself for a good night’s sleep!

The reverse is sometimes true as well – you can actually get giggly from being tired!

Other Benefits of Laughing

Laughter is one of the most underrated activities in our lives. It brings us joy, reduces stress, and helps us bond with others. But it also has a range of physical and mental health benefits that can improve our overall well-being. Here are five reasons why we should all be laughing more in our lives.

Reduces Stress Levels

Laughter releases endorphins, dopamine and serotonin – the hormones responsible for making you feel good and reducing stress levels. So taking time out of your day to laugh will not only make you feel happier but also reduce tension and help you manage stress better. Studies have even found that laughter can lower blood pressure and cortisol levels, which are both linked to stress levels.

Improves Your Mood

Laughing increases the production of beta-endorphins, which stimulates positive emotions such as joy, pleasure, happiness and satisfaction. These emotions can help improve your overall mood, allowing you to focus on the positives in life instead of dwelling on negative things that may be causing stress or anxiety.

Boosts Immunity

Studies have shown that laughing improves immunity by increasing the number of natural killer cells (NK cells) in your body which helps fight off infection. When these cells detect an infection or virus in your body they release cytokines which help boost your immune system and fight off any illnesses or diseases more effectively. So if you want to stay healthy this winter season – make sure to get some good laughs!

Increases Cognitive Functioning

Research has found that laughter can help improve cognitive functioning by increasing alertness, concentration and memory recall. This is due to the increased oxygen flow in your brain when you laugh which boosts both short-term memory recall as well as long-term memory recall over time. It’s a great way to stay sharp while having fun at the same time!

Improves Social Relationships

Laughing with friends or family is one of the best ways to strengthen relationships with those around us. Not only does it create an atmosphere of trust but it also increases feelings of connection between people – something that is essential for any healthy relationship whether it’s romantic or platonic! Plus, studies have found that people who laugh together are more likely to share common interests and values – something that is essential for long term relationships!

Conclusion: Why Does Laughing Make You Tired?

So there you have it! Laughing is not only fun, but it actually serves an important physiological purpose too—it helps us relax by releasing endorphins while giving our bodies a workout at the same time! All this activity means that laughing can leave you feeling drained afterwards—so don’t be surprised if you find yourself wanting to take a nap after an especially hearty round of laughter! If you’re looking for an easy way to reduce stress and create some much-needed restful moments in your day, try incorporating more laughter into your life—you won’t regret it!

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